There are many misconceptions associated with coffee. The popular beverage is loved by many Americans, with 53% drinking at least one cup per day. With anything popular comes many myths. You may have heard that coffee will make you run to the bathroom, which may be accurate, but there’s a long list of misconceptions that are absolutely not. This blog post will share five misconceptions about coffee that you should no longer believe. Coffee brings too much joy to so many for it to be stained with misinformation.

Coffee causes dehydration

Yes, caffeine does indeed contain some dehydrating effects. However, what do you see when you look at your steaming cup of coffee? Dark water. That’s because coffee is made up of mainly water. The amount of water in a cup of coffee makes up for those dehydrating effects. So even though coffee doesn’t cause dehydration, it’s best to supplement your cups of coffee throughout the day with other hydrating beverages.

Coffee stunts growth

This misconception has been around for ages. It’s one of the reasons parents don’t give coffee to their children. While it’s unclear how this lie came about, no scientific evidence supports it. Some people believe that coffee causes osteoporosis, which may be how this myth came about. However, coffee does not cause osteoporosis, and the disease doesn’t routinely make you short.

Coffee is addictive

While you may experience some headaches for a few days if you stop consuming coffee, scientists have determined that it doesn’t qualify as an addiction. Caffeine is not a truly addictive substance. Quitting coffee will not have severe withdrawal effects as other addictive substances. On the other hand, dependency on coffee can have significant health benefits, unlike other addictive substances. These health benefits include increased energy levels, heart health, and longevity.

Coffee can sober you up

This is a dangerous misconception to believe. We’ve all heard that coffee can help sober us up. Still, there is no scientific evidence to support this theory. While people associate the alertness that you may feel after a cup of coffee with sobering up, coffee cannot sober you up. Imagine you’ve been out drinking at a party, and someone offers you coffee to sober you up, and after you drink it, you feel safe to drive home. This is dangerous. If you’re looking for a legit way to hydrate yourself after drinking, try drinks with tons of electrolytes. These will also help eliminate a hangover the following day.

Coffee helps you lose weight

Despite what these multi-level marketing (MLM) companies want you to believe, coffee does not help you lose weight. While it is true that the stimulating effects of caffeine can slightly increase your metabolism, it’s not enough to impact your diet. This is especially true when it comes to long-term weight loss. Caffeine may curb your appetite for a short time, but there’s not enough evidence to show that long-term coffee consumption helps people lose weight.

So, are you a coffee drinker? Which one of these misconceptions have you always believed? Leave a comment below!