There’s truth to the old saying, “consistency is key.” Experienced content creators will be the first to tell you how important consistency is, but what does that mean in this space? What does consistency look like for a content creator, and why is it so important? If you already know what consistency means in this industry, but you are still struggling to be consistent with your work, what is the root of the issue? Is it a lack of time, planning, or something else? Wherever you fall on this spectrum, let’s look closer at consistency and how you can improve yours to become a more successful content creator.

What Does Consistency Mean for Content Creators?

When you think of consistency and content creation, the first thing that comes to mind is probably posting or uploading content regularly. This is definitely a major part of consistency that will contribute to your overall success, but it is not all-encompassing. Consistency is also:

  • Regularly engaging with your audience
  • Producing high-quality content that aligns with your personal brand
  • Presenting a cohesive brand image across all platforms
  • Following through on your commitments
  • Maintaining a healthy work-life balance

These things are all part of being a consistent content creator; it’s so much more than posting regularly. In the creator economy, your consistency will drive your success. Looking to become more consistent as a content creator? Good call. Here are some tips to help you out!

Tip #1: Use a Social Media Scheduling Tool

There are plenty of creator tools to simplify your life. Social media scheduling tools can be a major help to content creators and influencers. There are plenty of programs on the market that you can use for this, including Loomly and CoSchedule. You can use these tools to post your content automatically to your social media accounts at a pre-set time, including posting across multiple accounts. Some tools are completely free to use and others are not. These can be very handy, especially if you’re a busy person who frequently forgets to upload your content on a schedule or someone who travels often. You can even optimize to upload your content at peak times for your audience, giving you a boost in the critical first hours after posting.

Tip #2: Do Not Rush the Creative Process

It can be tempting to push yourself to make content faster, but this can lead to sacrificing quality. You are a content creator, which makes you a creative. Trying to rush the creative process can leave you feeling burnt out, frustrated, or left with subpar content. Instead, give yourself time to create content with intention and purpose. Authors do not force themselves to write through writer’s block, so why do the same to yourself? Inspiration will come, but never try to rush yourself through making more content. It’s better to post late than to upload something that will leave your followers saying, “What was that?” You should prioritize quality over quantity, always. Make content that you enjoy, and your passion will translate to your audience.

Tip #3: Stay Organized

One of the biggest pitfalls of newer content creators is poor management of their time and resources. Staying organized is an essential skill if you want to improve your consistency. Use planners, bulletin boards, calendars, sticky notes, and other necessary tools to keep things organized. Content creation is a job, even if it’s nontraditional. Staying organized will help you keep track of your content, scheduling, and commitments. It will also allow you to manage your time wisely. It’s also helpful to schedule your time. For example, many popular content creators block out a few hours a day to make or edit content, an hour or two to engage with their followers, etc. Dedicating portions of each day will let you divide and conquer bigger tasks, which makes you feel less overwhelmed in the long run.

Tip #4: Don’t Obsess Over the Numbers

It can be tempting to focus too much on the numerical performance of your posts, especially when social media offers so many analytics tools. While the numbers are important and can give you important insight, numbers are not everything! Far too many creators become disheartened when their content doesn’t receive as many likes or engagements as they wanted. If you obsess over the numbers, especially early on, you might feel like you’re wasting your time. Think of analytics as a tool because that’s exactly what they are. The numbers show you what content your audience enjoys most, allowing you to produce better content in the future. If a post doesn’t perform well, don’t worry! It’s not the end of your career if it doesn’t go viral. Instead, let the numbers motivate you to make better content, not discourage you from doing what you love.

Tip #5: Take Breaks to Avoid Burnout

While it sounds counterintuitive, rest is essential. In traditional 9-5 jobs, you have the weekend to rest and recharge. Being a content creator is different, and your weekends may be some of your busiest days! Still, you need to prioritize making time for yourself and your own well-being. You can’t pour from an empty glass, so give yourself time to relax and unwind. Unplugging completely can be very helpful: silence your notifications, close the computer and let yourself recover. If you push yourself too hard, you might end up burnt out and unmotivated. Taking breaks here and there is better to avoid a total crash. You are your own business and brand, so care for yourself first.

Ready to become a more consistent creator?

Consistency can take you from an amateur content creator to a professional. Try out these tips for the next 90 days. It will be surprising if you don’t see a change in both your overall well-being and your performance as a creator. These minor acts will add up over time, and your consistency will improve significantly. As you become more consistent, your success will follow suit. Remember that results are not only the views, likes, or clicks your content receives. Be kind to yourself, and never forget why you do what you do.